Saturday, November 01, 2008

On The Campaign Trail in Polk City, FL.

Get out there and VOTE!!!

No, you havent come to Kerri's blog by accident, it's really mine! Normally, I am so far away from politics, but this year somehow I sorta got sucked into it. I actually was bummed about all the candidates, until Sarah came on the scene. I like her no nonsense point of view, the way she says it like it is. She isnt your everyday politician, maybe that is the appeal for me. We had just gotten back to Florida when we recieved an email saying she was going to be in Polk City....whooda thunk it! So I got online, printed off my ticket and I was ready to go. Normally, I would stay as far away from this stuff as I could, but there was something historical about it, and I had to go. Our neighbors, Jaime and Van were also going, so John dropped us off at the gait (great plan) and we fought the crowds. We actually got a pretty good spot considering all the people there. Okay, so I'm pushy, whatever works ya know! Here are a few shots from the opening ceremonies to some of the locals with their own signs. If you get the chance to go to a rally, do it! No matter who you vote for, it's a great experience.

Me & Jaime waiting for Sarah
Opening ceremonies
Sarah Palin & The First Dude, Todd
You Betcha!

A few local signs

This was a cute tshirt, there were a few people with these on.
These two little ones, Tyler & Katie are an example who they are fighting for, they will be cleaning up the mess that Barack Obama could be making for America.

First Dude

And a fond farewell to Polk City

Oh yeah, she had great shoes on too! LOL
And a little comedy relief!!


Anonymous said...

Those are fabulous pictures!!!

How did it go?? How was the crowd? Any funny stories?

monica said...

You're pictures are WONDERFUL, I agree with Kerri!!! I'm so jealous! Looks awesome!!!!!!!!!

Terry said...

It was great fun, even being a non-political person. The crowd was great too. We befriended a young man that was standing by us, a democrat! This was his first time voting across normal lines for him. It just had an exciting feel to the day. I'm so glad it popped up out of nowhere. Wish John could have gone, but those concrete floors would have killed him. My legs still ache. Wish Kerri could have been here too.

Amber said...

Wow - you guys had great seats. How exciting!!!