Friday, October 17, 2008

Bling is a girls best friend...

Ok, maybe that was diamonds, but for this girl it's the BLING! Here I am back at Walt Disney World at the "Race for the Taste 10k." My friend, Kelley and her family came down from NY to run/walk it with me. It was nice to have the company. This was Kelley's first race and she did awesome. I was pooped! Here are some shots from the day. Hard to look cute when you're sweatin like a pig.

Here I am before the race (looking fresh) with TJ and Maggie. Note the darkness.

Kelly & I making our way through The Studios
We made it past the ball, almost done! This girl runs with her eyes closed, that would be an accident waiting to happen for me!!!! The force must be with her.
Yay, the finish line! On to the free food please!
Old Farts Rock!!!! BLING!!!!
Da' BLING!!!
Me & My Gang!
GROUP SHOT... Me, Kelley, Tom, Maggie, Katie & TJ
The Cheerleaders!


Lola said...

The only real problem I have with running is that all the work you do all day holding in your stomach muscles all goes to hell. You have no control over them at all, hence the fat belly.

Remind me to never pull my hair back so severely again....bleech.

I am so glad Terry convinced me to do this. Hopefully airfares will drop, and people will pay thier bills, and I can do the princess in March...

Traci said...

You go ladies! Woot!

You look great!

Terry said...

kelley i had the same reaction to my hair dilemma but what else can we do, wet sweaty hair looks worse hanging down!!! You looked fine.