Wednesday, January 10, 2007

No Resolutions....

Well here we are in a new year, how do they go by so fast. It's the time for resolutions ...which i stopped making years ago. This year I'm going to make a promise to myself, a promise to get healthy. I'm tired of being fat, out of shape and feeling down right lousy. My mom died way too young, and most of her illnesses stemmed from her weight issues. My older sister is heading down the same path....I will not let that happen to me. I am blessed with so much in my life and i'm gonna stick around to either see others grow old, grandkids get married, wear all my cool toys out and spend all our money!!!!!

It's a tough thing to loose weight for me, I have no other vises....I dont smoke, dont drink....I do cuss like a sailor, but that never killed anyone!!!! So having to eat does create some problems! Making permanent changes are hard, but I'm trying. Usually I dont advertise this stuff, at least not to the world. But maybe I should, the more people that are watching over my shoulder, maybe I'll be less likely to sneak that 3 muskateers bar (God I love those!), they go good with pepsi you know, and I'll stay a little more honest with myself. I'm working on keeping busy, actually getting off my ass and on my treadmill.....and that new snappy Ab Lounger Kerri got me. I guess all my hinting (loudly) worked! I know I'll have bad days, but I'm going to put those behind me and move on. I have to do it this time, I really feel I have to.

So with the help of family and a few good friends.....I'm gonna do it this time. Below is my fat pic.....Next Thanksgivings pic will be better....remember, i promised!!


Unknown said...

You're going to do it Terry!! I have faith in you!!! :)

Anonymous said...

You can do it! If Ican do it, you can do it.

Amber said...

You go Terry. No more Trails End buffets for us. :0)

Traci said...

I also have faith in you Terry and I support you as well.

Once I put a friend of mine on the "slap diet". This consisted of me slapping her every time she thought, spoke or ate something bad.

If you need me to slap you, just let me know. LOL

Terry said...

Amber we'll have to stick to those higher end restaurants!!! LOL and Traci i think i'll pass on your method!!! but thanks for thinking of me!

monica said...

You go girl!!